One of the most significant complaints about Linux is actually that full screen Flash inside a browser tends to enjoy a choppy flickering effect that does not look very good. For some who would like to experience things like Hulu full screen on their laptops or desktops hate the fact that Linux and therefore the Flash player are no longer working together very well.
You can get a few reasons which the problem exists. The main reason is of the fact that Flash plugin is a closed computer program made by Adobe. Therefore that people developing software for Linux will need to guess at what any Flash player wants since they can't see all all the code. Typically with Linux applications the code is opened source. This means it is easier to guarantee all the code functions together since the code sometimes appears. Unless Adobe chooses to share with you, this will always be an issue.
There are a few alternatives that do exist. The first is with the open source rendition of Flash. The problem with this is to be not quite as engineered yet. One day it's if improved upon but it's not necessarily ready yet.
Another option could be to download the flv and even swf files and execute them full screen with all your media player. This will not likely work with streaming internet websites like Hulu but will for other types of flash files. In this mode there isn't full screen flickering problems.
The last option is to wait for HTML5 standards which can gradually phase out Expensive. This might not happen for several years but it could eventually happen. Many have concerns that the browser is too dependent on this one plugin for that reason its use is eventually gonna be phased out with time. In HTML5 compatible browsers the likes of Youtube can be run without employing the Flash plugin at all.