The biggest trouble of buying a notebook is about the screen flicker. After all, nobody would like to see a few big bright spot on the LCD screen of his new laptop. But almost no manufactures just as IBM laptop, Sony laptop, DELL Laptop, HP laptop can offer a 憂o flicker?warranty. Only ASUS promises this, but you can go to take a look at the forum about ASUS, it is just word games!
The flicker problem have been troubling LCD industry for a long time, as the manufacturing technology reasons, LCD flicker is inevitable, but how bad is bad? At present LCD manufacturing aspect has not given a standard that how much flicker is normal and how much is bad. In fact what make the flicker of liquid crystal display is a single-crystal does not work, there may be red, blue, green, different defect.
So, the original reason of the flicker is manufacturing process. Because the flicker is made at the moment of coming out of the LCD screen crystals, the flicker will not be brought from some actions that after the products are come out from their production line. If you have brought a laptops, there is no need to worry about the proliferation of flicker.
In general, if there are more than three bright spots at the LCD screen of the laptop, in particular at Zone A, you can refuse to buy the machine. Here I suggest you to use some laptop screen testing software to do some detailed testing of the screen, such as NOKIA Ntest. Please be sure choosing laptops carefully so as to void some unnecessary trouble.